Sam Shin
Board Director
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Samuel Shin is currently serving as the Infantry Weapons Officer at 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division.
Samuel Shin was born on 09 April 1985 in Memphis, TN. He attended recruit training at MCRD San Diego in June of 2003. Upon completion of basic training he attended the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, CA.
After completion of his training as a machine gunner he obtained the MOS of 0331.
Following the School of Infantry, he was assigned to 2d Battalion, 1st Marines in Nov 2003. Lance Corporal Shin served in multiple billets as part of a machine gun team. During his time with 2/1 he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and again with the 13th MEU (SOC). He participated in Operation Vigilant Resolve, Operation Phantom Fury, and Operation Steel Curtain.
In August 2007, then Corporal Shin was assigned to 1st Marine Regiment as part of the commander’s security detail. He deployed with Regimental Combat Team 1 to Iraq. During his deployment, he was employed as the common operational picture manager, convoy commander for the security detail, and weapons instructor for the Iraqi Forces.
After a successful tour, then Sergeant Shin attended and graduated the Basic Reconnaissance Course as the Gung Ho award recipient. He was able to rejoin the operating forces with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion in June 2009. He successfully graduated from the Basic Airborne Course, Multi-Mission Parachutist Course (Military Free Fall), Combatant Dive Course, and Infantry Unit Leaders Course. He served as a Team Leader at 1st Reconnaissance Battalion on two deployments to Afghanistan in support of combat operations.
Upon return from deployment, then Staff Sergeant Shin was ordered to the School of Infantry to instruct at the Basic Reconnaissance Course. During his tour he held SNCOIC billets at the Individual Skills Phase and Patrol Phase. He assisted in the creation of the Basic Reconnaissance Primer Course, which resulted in the graduation rate increasing up to 80 percent. Additionally, Gunnery Sergeant Shin was able to obtain his Master Instructor certification during his tour.
In June 2016, then Gunnery Sergeant Shin reported to 4th Force (Det.) in Hawaii. He served as the Operations Chief and developed multiple joint training opportunities, supported numerous active duty formations from different services, and conducted individual qualifications through battalion level certification exercises. This increased the overall readiness for conventional and special operations units within the Pacific theater.
In January 2017, he was accepted into the Marine Gunner program and later attended the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) and Infantry Weapons Officer Course. Gunnery Sergeant Shin commissioned to Chief Warrant Officer 2 on 6 February 2017. Upon graduation of WOBC, Gunner Shin was selected to the Commander’s Honor Roll list.
In October 2017, Gunner Shin reported to 3d Battalion 7th Marines to serve as the Battalion’s Infantry Weapons Officer. He deployed to United States Central Command in support of the Special Purpose
Marine Air Ground Task Force - CENTCOM (SPMAGTF-CC). While deployed, Gunner Shin supported numerous joint, international, and special operations units participating in combat operations in support of
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, Syria.
In July 2019, Gunner Shin accepted orders to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, where he is currently serving as the Battalion’s Gunner.
Gunner Shin’s personal awards include the Purple Heart, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with three gold stars and combat distinguishing device, Combat Action Ribbon with one gold star, Navy
and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Outstanding Volunteer Medal, and Marine Good Conduct Ribbon.
Gunner Shin is married to his beautiful wife, Sujan Pang of Anchorage, Alaska.